Giving Opportunities
Your donations make a real difference in the lives of people at Trinity, in the community and around the world! We thank God for His many blessings and are called to share those blessings with others. Trinity offers many ways to give, including online giving, weekly offertory envelopes, and planned giving options. You may make a single gift, schedule ongoing donations or change your level of giving at anytime. See the following link for more specific information.
Simply Giving Online Contributions
Trinity Lutheran Church utilizes the Simply Giving Program endorsed by Thrivent Financial Bank for automated giving. Simply Giving allows you to make one-time contributions or schedule ongoing contributions either through withdrawal from your bank account or charges to your credit card*.
These pre-authorized withdrawals from your bank account or charges to your credit card are safe and reliable and they allow for uninterrupted giving. No need to carry your checkbook to church on Sundays or remember your giving envelope.
*Service fees may apply, please see the Finance Office for details. Simply Giving allows you to make one-time contributions or schedule ongoing contributions either through withdrawal from your bank account or charges to your credit card*.
These pre-authorized withdrawals from your bank account or charges to your credit card are safe and reliable and they allow for uninterrupted giving. No need to carry your checkbook to church on Sundays or remember your giving envelope.
*Service fees may apply, please see the Finance Office for details.
To set up online contributions click here: