Sunday School

The Christian Education & Youth Committee is excited to announce that Sunday School is resuming this fall on Sunday, September 11th.

We have engaged teachers/parents and some families in discussion to meet and respond to the faith nurturing needs of our children in the best way possible. We have a fun curriculum called Whirl that follows the same Bible readings that we have in worship.

The worship committee has worked with the Christian Ed/Youth committee to reorder the worship service slightly. The kids' song and message will occur earlier in the service. They will then be invited to attend Sunday School - large group-style - for about 30 minutes. The children and teachers will rejoin the service at the sharing of the Peace and be there for Holy Communion.

We hope that having Sunday School during worship, and yet kids still being present for some parts, will communicate Trinity's dedication and partnership in nurturing our children's faith.

Sunday School Registration Form 22-23.pdf